Favorite games:
drop the _______ (insert whatever item she can find) and see who will pick it up
fill the bowl
empty the bowl
Where's Da
chase the cat
follow the finger (Chloe points and you take her to the object)
peek (she likes to climb down the first flight of stairs and then peek back up at whoever is at the top)
Favorite foods:
scrambled eggs
pancakes (with a hint of chocolate protein powder and banana!)
Veggie Booty
any fruit or veggie
we also have yet to meet a meat that Chloe does not like
Fav toys:
in bed- sea horse and sweet pea
downstairs- Elmo and the mixing bowls/her empty formula can drum
in her room- stereo, her owl, and ugly dog
everywhere- bubbles
Fav books:
Pat the bunny
Brown Bear Brown Bear
(Due to where we live Chloe hears a lot of noises and imitates them when they happen)
Train (it sounds a bit like wooo woooo)
Da (Dad), Mama (this means she's hungry), Mom (for mom),
All done, more, milk, up (looks a bit like all done but typically is done in the middle of the kitchen floor), bath