Saturday, April 30, 2011

Some new Walking Vids

We reached the 11 month mark!! To celebrate here are a couple of new walking vids as well as a brief list of Chloe's favorite things of the moment

Favorite games:
drop the _______ (insert whatever item she can find) and see who will pick it up
fill the bowl
empty the bowl
Where's Da
chase the cat
follow the finger (Chloe points and you take her to the object)
peek (she likes to climb down the first flight of stairs and then peek back up at whoever is at the top)
Favorite foods:
scrambled eggs
pancakes (with a hint of chocolate protein powder and banana!)
Veggie Booty
any fruit or veggie
we also have yet to meet a meat that Chloe does not like
Fav toys:
in bed- sea horse and sweet pea
downstairs- Elmo and the mixing bowls/her empty formula can drum
in her room- stereo, her owl, and ugly dog
everywhere- bubbles
Fav books:
Pat the bunny
Brown Bear Brown Bear
(Due to where we live Chloe hears a lot of noises and imitates them when they happen)
Train (it sounds a bit like wooo woooo)
Da (Dad), Mama (this means she's hungry), Mom (for mom),
All done, more, milk, up (looks a bit like all done but typically is done in the middle of the kitchen floor), bath

Monday, April 25, 2011


Thanks to Buddy the defender next door Chloe has learned that dog's say woof. Whenever she hears him barking she stops what shes doing and woof's in response to his barking.

Egg Hunt

Our neighborhood had an Egg hunt for all of the kiddo's yesterday and Chloe dominated! She found a whopping two eggs and got some tips from the two year old egg hunting professionals in attendance. Next year it's on!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter!

Chloe is having a great Easter so far, she slept through the night for the third day in a row and woke up to an Easter basket and plastic eggs all for her...and Emmit. Together they make a pretty intense egg hunting team :o)

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Next to going down the slide this is Chloe's favorite game to play at the park!

Sunny Day!

After being snowed in yet again this week, spring finally decided to come our way and we didn't let it go without soaking up some much needed vitamin d :o)

Special Delivery

Chloe got a special delivery from her Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt this week and got really into opening it up to see what was inside!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Early Easter Present

Chloe got an early Easter slide yesterday and loves it! Hopefully the weather will get nice so we can use it outside with the rest of her easter present!!

The chair

Chloe discovered her potty chair the other day and since then has been using it as her book reading chair. It's pretty cute, right now her two favorite spots to sit and read by herself are on the bottom step and while sitting on her chair. She also likes to play the up down game on her chair like in the video

Patty Cake

Chloe is on a developmental roll at the moment and is not only walking, going down the stairs, climbing off the bed, but is also working hard on her communication skills. So far she has mastered the signs for milk, more, all done, hungry and just added two songs to her signing repertoire; twinkle twinkle and patty cake. Her favorite part of patty cake is throwing the cake in the oven which has started to happen faster and faster as of late :o)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Going Down

Fair warning it's a little bit long but still pretty cute. When she's not working on walking Chloe has been spending most of her time climbing up and down the stairs. She's gotten pretty good and can get up the stairs faster than Matthew and I, it's the down that we are still having a few issues with...


It's finally here, a video of little miss doing her walking thing. She is getting better everyday but still gets so excited that she makes herself fall. Sometimes I think she has herself confused with a baby bird :o)

Beet Face

Chloe has discovered one of her new favorite foods, beet fries. Very cute but very messy :o)

April Randoms

Friday, April 8, 2011

Spokane Children's Museum

Since our normal Thursday class was cancelled yesterday Chloe and I decided to go spend some time at the Moby Science center in Spokane. Chloe was all about playing with the other kids and trying to climb up the 'tree' to go down the 'rabbit hole'. It took her almost the entire time we were there to figure out just how to get up the steps but by the end she was standing on top like the big kids.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Camera cord!

We finally got a new cord for my camera! Here are my favorite pictures from the past year that have been hiding on it :o)