Sunday, November 28, 2010

A little Chloe speak

6 months was the age Chloe felt she needed to be to really start using her voice. This ones a little long but you get to hear most of her sounds :o)

The Chloe Scoot!

She's moving!! Here are a couple videos of Chloe working on her scooting/crawling. The second one is a bit long, i think the start and the very end are the best parts :o)

Little Miss busy

Chloe is little miss busy body these days. She always has to be doing something, even in her sleep!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chloe's new lingo

For about a week now we have been talking to Chloe via razz'ing. She now razzes when she see's a new person or just to let us know she's in a good mood :o)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

More good times with dad!

Great Grandpa Homer

This picture of Chloe and her Great Grandpa from our trip to Vancouver after she was born was hiding on Matthews phones. I am so glad that she got to spend even a little time with such a great man. I've also included some of the other photos from the trip that had been in hiding :o)

Rubber Ducky!

Chloe is finally big enough to use her duck tub!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mornings With Dad

A couple of cute photos of Matthew and Chloe playing around in bed this morning :o)